Wednesday, August 18, 2010

How to ask out and break up with a girl...

Almost in High School so Id better know this... THANKS!How to ask out and break up with a girl...
don't ever break up by email, never break up w/ someone when she has a big problem, don't break up w/ her when she is in a cast or is sick, don't flirt w/ other girls when you haven't broken up w/ her yet. never lie to a girl when asking her out....How to ask out and break up with a girl...
to ask a girl out u have to become her friend first, then youll figure it out from there.

to break up, you have to have a good reason too, and what ever the reason might be, would likely be your break up line.
tell her you got a huge dick, then she'll want you.

BAM girlfriend

then she sees your pathetic excuse for one

BAM no girlfriend

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