Wednesday, August 18, 2010

How to break up with a girl?

me and my girlfriend have been going out for a year and we tell each other we love each other and all that kind of stuff but im not sure i love her anymore. i did but i dont know what happened and if i told her that i want to break up that would probably break her heart and i still care for her and i really dont want to do that. please helpHow to break up with a girl?
then dont do it. After you date someone for a while i think you just start to love them in a different way, maybe thats what you are going through.How to break up with a girl?
ok coming to you from a girl my boyfriend did this to me about a year ago. we were together for a year we met my first year of college.... we told eachother we loved eachother and everything. the second semester things kind of changed not the way i felt but i guess the way he felt he just never said anything and i think he kind of was feeling the same way you are.... so he held on to it just cause he didnt want to hurt me i guess. but in reality i would've rather have heard it when he was first thinking in. the longer you procrastinate this shes going to hurt more.... trust me. The best thing to do is to tell her how you feel and you dont want to hurt her but the best thing to do right now is be apart cause things changed. give her closure cause if not shell never be able to move on or anything. i never got closure so it took me a while. but either way you do it her heart is going to break but better do it now than later when its much more into your relationship and it hurts even more. The more you wait the harder itll get. but make sure that is what you want to do before you do it....hope i helped!!
uu shuuldd findd a quuiet plaacee to tell herr dis

maakee suuree thaat it'ss not crowdedd n' stuuff

tell herr niceelyy thaat uu still caaree 'bout herr, buhh uu dunn thinkk it'ss workin' ouutt

dunn blaamee anyythin' onn anyybodyy

maakee suuree thaat uu do dis inn personn!

DO NOOTT do dis onn de phonee, txt orr msnn

it'ss reaallyy harshh

cuuz it'ss disrepectfuull

de girll will thinkk thaat uu dunn caaree 'bout herr feelingss

hopee dis helpss!

best of luuckk! :D

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